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Posts published in “University”

Elinor Fry, The Contours of International Prosecutions: As Defined by Facts, Charges, and Jurisdiction (Eleven International Publishing, 2016)

* By Dr. Elinor Fry Dr. Elinor Fry is an Assistant Professor at the VU University Amsterdam Faculty of Law, where she is also the Deputy Director of the Center for International Criminal Justice. She holds an LL.M in International Human Rights Law and Criminal Justice (Utrecht University, summa cum laude), an LL.M in Information Law (University of Amsterdam), and an LL.B (University of Amsterdam). Before joining the VU, Fry worked for Reprieve on the European Commission project ‘Engaging Europe in the US Death Penalty Fight,’ and prior to that, for the defense team assisting Radovan Karadžić at the International Criminal…