“Of course it cannot be expected that the whole body of any people will study international law; but a sufficient number can readily become sufficiently familiar with it to lead and form public opinion in every community in our country upon all important international questions as they arise.”
Elihu Root, The Need of Popular Understanding of International Law, 1 AJIL 1, 3
Welcome to the International Law Observer, a blog dedicated to reports, commentary and the discussion of topical issues surrounding international law.
The International Law Observer is a blog created and maintained by a group of academics and practitioners active in the field of international law. It addresses itself to students, academics, and practitioners alike.
It is the express aspiration of the authors to promote the critical debate on current legal developments within international law, by reporting on recent developments in the academic field, informing on influential case-law, presenting developments re international organizations and introducing new publications.
Traditional legal publications, as well as conferences, seminars and symposia, are important and frequently used fora for the exchange of ideas between legal scholars and practitioners. However, these communication channels usually require time-consuming preparatory work, editorial review and provide only limited time and space for the presentation and exchange of ideas. They thus have inherent limitations as regards the ability to address new developments. By choosing the platform of a weblog (blog) we intend to elude this deficiency.
The International Law Observer is intended to be an active blog, used as an interactive platform for the open discussion and publication of observations on international law. Moreover, the International Law Observer is supposed to function as a source of interaction between its authors and readers, by enabling both to post personal reflections and considerations. In this way, the blog is hopefully able to contribute to a multi-faceted view on up-to-date developments in international law, which has rewarding implications for the legal discourse at large.
Editorial Board
Professor Dr. Gentian Zyberi – [Website] [Twitter]
Dr. Dominik Zimmermann [Currently inactive]
Jody M. Prescott – [Website]
Innocent Mawire – [Website]
Student Editors
[Currently vacant]
Alla Pozdņakova
David McGrogan
Dr. Fozia Nazir Lone
Franz Christian Ebert
James Harrison
Jan Kittrich
Jennifer Dee Halbert
Jernej Letnar Černič
Lawrence Hill-Cawthorne
Maja Smrkolj
Mark Klamberg
Michèle Morel
Mikkel Jarle Christensen
Dr. Ole Windahl Pedersen
Rain Liivoja
Salma Yusuf
Valentina Azarov