There are many human rights mechanisms at the international and the regional level, covering a broad range of rights. The practice of the UN human rights treaty bodies and of the regional human rights courts and commissions spans decades and provides important guidance on human rights guarantees on both procedural and substantive matters. The materials below include factsheets for various human rights mechanisms.
Factsheets of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) are available here.
Factsheets on various human rights are available here.
Factsheets on the practice of the UN Human Rights Committee
Inspired to a large extent by the ECtHR factsheets, over the last few years Professor Gentian Zyberi has run a factsheets project with Master students at the Faculty of Law, University of Oslo. The following factsheets are compiled by the UiO Master students, under the supervision of Professor Zyberi. They are compiled for information purposes and not intended as legal advice or comprehensive elaboration of the practice of the Committee. This page is under development and additional factsheets will be added continuously.
- Article 22 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) – Factsheet prepared by Anca Timofte and Aurélie Richard, Master students in the Public International Law Master program (Faculty of Law, University of Oslo) Last updated: 12.03.2023 Please cite as “Anca Timofte and Aurélie Richard, Factsheet on Article 22 ICCPR, International Law Observer <>”.
- Article 26 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) – Factsheet prepared by Yi-Min Huang, Master student in the program Theory and Practice of Human Rights (Faculty of Law, University of Oslo). Last updated: 12.03.2023 Please cite as “Yi-Min Huang, Factsheet on Article 26 ICCPR, International Law Observer <>“.