A new and interesting blog dedicated to international law has been added to the blogosphere: EJIL:Talk!, the blog of the European Journal of International Law. The blog was launched yesterday with an entry by Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann on “Human Rights, International Economic Law and ‘Constitutional Justice’”. The creators of the blog, with inter alia Professor Joseph Weiler from NYU in his capacity as editor-in-chief of the EJIL, are rather modest about the aim of the blog, calling it a mere experiment. The contents of the blog is not supposed to be “just short off the cuff academic gossipmentary, but short, incisive, even well-researched pieces which should simply be thought of as a different genre of writing”. According to self-characterization of the blog, the future contents will reflect the European approach to international law defined as the “panache for the theoretical article, for aggressively bringing in younger scholars, for its intellectually diverse modes of analysis, realism mixed with doctrine, a strong appeal to, and interest in, history”. We at International Law Observer are glad to be joined by this new blog and we are certainly looking forward to some posts on international law related topics with an “EJIL sensibility”.
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