Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky drew my attention to the recent publication of the principles to guide responsible sovereign lending and borrowing. An Expert Group has drafted these principles to be applied in this area and in particular in financial crisis. The next step is to organize regional meetings to discuss the principles with governments. Juan Pablo would like to draw attention to the principles so that a debate about them can start. The press release explaining the initiative is available here: http://www.unctad.info/en/Debt-Portal/News-Archive/UNCTAD-Launches-Principles-on-Responsible-Sovereign-Lending-and-Borrowing-3052011/
The Principles themselves are available here: http://www.unctad.org/en/docs//gdsddf2011misc1_en.pdf
[…] Complicity for Financing Human Rights Abuses: The Relevance of the Cassese report“, the unveiling of the UNCTAD principles to guide responsible sovereign lending and borrowing and the UNCTAD conference on the Principles on Responsible Sovereign Borrowing and Lending. For a […]