All those who are familiar with the international law related blogosphere know that it has been growing immensely over the last years. More and more researchers, especially young and aspiring scholars active in the field of public international law, have learned about the advantages of using blogs to get the message out, to engage in a fruitful discourse with like-minded colleagues from around the world. But the global audience that can be reached with these blogs is not the only reason why an increasing number of scholars have come to use these new fora. Another important advantage is the possibility to rapidly, virtually simultaneously with the (unfolding) events that are being described, comment and give a legal assessments.
In view of this development in seems all the more important to shed some light on this growing blog community, to create some sort of systematic survey of the available blogs in order to enhance the accessibility (cause by now nobody is able to check all of the available blogs on a daily basis to find out about what might be of interest). You therefore might be interested in the 2009 Legal Educator Blog Census, Version 1.0, a list compiled by Colin Miller (associate professor at John Marshall Law School) that tells us which legal educators are blogging and where the blogosphere is headed. The purpose of the list is to ‘list anyone who might be involved in the education of students at law schools in the United States: full time professors, adjunct professors, deans, legal writing instructors, law librarians, etc.’ Certainly the disadvantage of this particular list is that it contains only references to US scholars and is furthermore not focusing on international law related blogs, which begs the question if such a census exists for the European (university) market. Well, to my knowledge there is no such list. A modest attempt to list some of the main blogs focusing on international law can, however, be found in our ‘blog-section‘.
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