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SHARES – Call for papers

On 17 and 18 November 2011 the SHARES project will organize the Conference on Foundations of Shared Responsibility in International Law. The Conference will explore fundamental and conceptual issues that explain the state of law, allow for identification of gaps and provide insights on possibilities and limitations for further development of the law pertaining to shared responsibility.

These questions are of theoretical and practical relevance in themselves, and will inform future developments of the SHARES project as a whole. The Conference will also be a first take on the findings of the SHARES project so far, and will allow for a confrontation with other competing and/or complementary approaches.

The SHARES project invites the submission of proposals for the Conference. The proposal should contain an abstract (max. 300 words), as well as name, affiliation, contact details and a brief CV. The deadline for submission of the proposal is 15 May 2011. Accepted authors will be expected to submit a draft of their presentation by the 1st of October 2011.

Proposals should be sent to Isabelle Swerissen ( Any enquiry about the Conference can be directed to Dov Jacobs ( The call for papers can be found at:

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