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New UK Supreme Court

And so it finally happened. After a lengthy period of preparation, the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom starts proceedings today. The new UK Supreme Court, which has come about as a result of the 2005 Constitutional Reform Act, will hear its first cases this week in newly refurbished rooms in the former Middlesex Guildhall, on Parliament Square. Although the process under which the Supreme Court was created has been criticised, the arrival of the new Court is likely to be met with approval as the previous structure of having the UK’s highest appellate court sitting within parliament would to many seem a constitutional anomaly. Currently, the Court has 11 Justices (which is a new term as well) with one vacancy remaining. Whether one believes that the creation of the new Court will lead to further judicial activism or better protection of democratic principles, it will be very interesting to follow the Court’s work in the years to come.

Official website of the Court here and lengthy news reporting from the Times here.

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