A new special coverage section has been added, collecting all the posts that deal with issues on the intersection between human rights and business. Examples of the posts that you will find here so far include a post on corporate obligation to protect human rights, discussing the recent report by the NGO War on Want on labour rights standards in garment industry in Bangladesh, and a post on the acquittal of Chevron by a Californian Jury, dealing with the decision of a federal court in San Francisco that found in favour of the international oil conglomerate Chevron in a case relating to a ten year old incident at one of Chevron’s oil platforms off the Nigerian coast.
A list of the special coverage sections that are available so far can be found here. If you are interested in more information on the relationship between human rights and business you might want to take a look at the Human Rights & Business Project of the Danish Institute for Human Rights or the Business and Human Rights Resource Center.
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