An exciting new online portal has opened, which might be of interest for everyone paying attention to the legal and policy challenges posed by transnational and non-state armed groups: the It is a joint project by the Program on Humanitarian Policy and Conflict Research (HPCR) at Harvard University and the Graduate Institute on International Studies (HEI) in Geneva.
Here is how the founders describe the project: The site offers analysis and information resources on transnational and non-state armed groups. From the Democratic Republic of Congo to Afghanistan, the portal examines legal and policy debates surrounding such actors in today’s violent conflicts. The Transnational and Non-State Armed Groups Project is an interdisciplinary initiative focusing on the evolution of warfare, the role and impact of armed groups, legal and policy implications for international security, and the strategic options available to states.
One interesting feature of this Webpage is the vast multimedia resources it provides: inter alia in-depth expert reports, briefing papers and MP3 audio clips (!).
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