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New Journal for Transnational Environmental Law

Cambridge University Press has announced the launch of a new academic journal titled ‘Transnational Environmental Law’. Submissions are sought for the first issue which is to be published in 2012.

The blurb from CUP reads:

Transnational Environmental Law (TEL) is a peer-reviewed journal for the study of environmental law and governance beyond the state. It approaches legal and regulatory developments with an interest in the contribution of non-state actors and an awareness of the multi-level governance context in which contemporary environmental law unfolds.
TEL has a broad disciplinary focus open to scholarlycontributions covering a wide range of environmental issues and the evolving dynamics between environmental law and other legal disciplines.
TEL strives for a new generation of environmental scholarship that will bridge geographical boundaries, scholarly styles and generations.

Although not focusing on international environmental law exclusively, this seems a worthwhile and useful addition to the ever-increasing body of environmental law scholarship (see for instance this survey by Dan Farber, also on the Editorial Board of JTE, indicating a sharp increase in environmental law professors).

The Transnational Environmental Law will be in good hands as the Editors-in-Chief are Thijs Etty of VU Amsterdam and Veerle Heyvaert of the LSE. I shall look forward to reading it in the years to come.

You can read more about the journal here.

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