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Most Ridiculous Lawsuits

Today’s Independent has a list of what it considers the most ridiculous lawsuits. While some are rather amusing, like the man suing Budweiser when no scantily dressed ladies appear before him as was otherwise “promised” in one of the brewing company’s adverts, and the prison inmate who sues himself in the hope that the authorities might flog the bill, others are outright tasteless and ill-advised. For instance, the New York judge who sued hid drycleaner for damages worth $65 million when the drycleaner lost the judge’s trousers. Another interesting lawsuit is the man who eight years after giving his kidney to his wife files a suit to get it back after he discovered she was unfaithful. Bring on justice.


  1. Pink Mini Stun Gun Pink Mini Stun Gun 19 June 2009

    I tend to disagree with much of what has been written in this post, but I am proud to live in a country where you can have your say and I can have mine.

  2. Derek Derek 21 June 2009

    Cool list, surprised Judge Van de Lay didn’t make an appearance.

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