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International Human Rights Law in Practice Series (Brill)

Call for Books

  1. Purpose of the Series

Judicial and quasi-judicial institutions play an increasingly important interpretative role in bringing international human rights law to life and shaping its contours. Any study of contemporary international human rights law must therefore look beyond a mere textual analysis of codified norms. Only through critical analysis of the human rights decision-making process can the breadth and effectiveness of the protection afforded be fruitfully gauged. Such analysis is urgently needed in a multi-polar, international community where questions concerning the function and adequacy of human rights law are routinely raised. The International Human Rights Law in Practice Series meets this need by studying the practice of international and regional institutions in the field of human rights. Through the publication of rigorous scholarship in the form of peer-reviewed monographs, commentaries, and documentary collections, the Series aims to disseminate specialized research, foster debate on topical human rights issues, and contribute to the training of human rights lawyers.

  • Invitation to Submit

The Series Editors of the International Human Rights Law in Practice Series ( welcome proposals for the publication of monographs, commentaries, and documentary collections on any aspect falling within the remit of the Series. The Editors are particularly interested in books touching on aspects of the following (in alphabetical order) topics:

  • Addressing Inequalities within and among States through Human Rights
  • Climate Change and Human Rights Law;
  • Human Rights in Armed Conflict: Case studies; and
  • Migration and Human Rights Law.
  • Submission Procedure

Prospective authors should submit by 30 June 2025 the following documents:

  • a 1600-word overview of the content and structure the book;
  • a 700-word outline of the reasons as to why the book should be published in light of existing case law and literature;
  • asample chapter (only in the case of manuscripts at an advanced stage); and
  • a curriculum vitae.

Submissions should be sent to the attention of Lauren Danahy, Acquisitions Editor at

After a first in-house assessment as to whether the proposal fit within the remit of the Series, the proposal shall be submitted to double-blind peer review. Once a proposal is accepted, perspective authors shall be informed as soon as possible and invited to produce the entire manuscript, which will be, in turn, submitted to double-blind peer-review. 

We thank in advance all those who will respond to this call.

Milan, 2 February 2025.           Professors Andrea Carcano and Tullio                                                             Scovazzi, Series Editors

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