The initial appearance of Laurent Koudou Gbagbo before Pre-Trial Chamber III of the International criminal Court (ICC) is scheduled for Monday, 5 December 2011, at 14:00 (The Hague local time) (see press release here). Mr Gbagbo was transferred to the ICC’s custody on 30 November 2011, in accordance with a warrant of arrest issued (under seal) by Pre-Trial Chamber III on 23 November 2011.
Laurent Koudou Gbagbo allegedly bears individual criminal responsibility, as indirect co-perpetrator, for four counts of crimes against humanity:
a) murder, b) rape and other sexual violence, c) persecution and d) other inhuman acts, allegedly committed in the context of post-electoral violence in the territory of Côte d’Ivoire between 16 December 2010 and 12 April 2011.
For more information on the Côte d’Ivoire situation and this case see here.
yes icc the both parties must go, do this jusice for all ivorian not for french president