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ECHR Protocol 14

Over on the ECHR Blog, Antoine Buyse has, as usual, a very good piece on the most recent attempts by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe to address the increasing caseload of the European Court of Human Rights. In light of Protocol 14 being stuck, the latest attempt includes the adoption of a Protocol 14-bis.

One Comment

  1. Dawn Pugh Dawn Pugh 28 July 2009

    Hi Ole,
    I read your interesting article and wanted to add my comment;
    It is my understanding that the Convention has several protocols. For example, Protocol 13 prohibits the death penalty and protocols that are accepted vary from State Party to State Party, though the majority understands that state parties should be party to as many protocols as possible. And that anybody who feels his or her rights has been violated under any of the Convention by a state party can take a case to Court.
    So what we may see in the future is Protocol’s accumulating up to their hundreds even thousands.
    Thank you
    D. Pugh

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