The Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC) is hosting a Conference on International Arbitration involving Parties from the Arab World
The event will take place 23 October 2008, Stockholm, Sweden
The Conference will deal with critical issues in international arbitration involving parties from the Arab World. Among the questions that will be addressed are the following:
* What are the options in the Arab countries and outside of them?
* How do courts in the Arab countries deal with arbitral agreements,
arbitrability issues, and enforcement of awards?
* What are the arbitral procedures?
* How is investment arbitration dealt with?
* Which are the favoured venues outside the Arab countries and what
factors determine the choice of arbitration.
The conference programme and registration form can be found here.
Hotels can be found here.
*Fee € 700 (Euro) early bird special if you register before 5 September 2008 € 550 (Euro)!*
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