The Jus Post Bellum Project at the Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies at Leiden University has issued a call for papers for the Project’s launch conference.
The conference, entitled “‘Jus-Post-Bellum’: Mapping the normative foundations,” will be held May 31 to June 1, 2012, in The Hague. The organizers describe the Project as follows:
The proper ending of conflict and the organization of post‐conflict peace is one of the greatest challenges of contemporary warfare. This issue has resurfaced in the context of modern interventions and their aftermath. The Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies’ Jus Post Bellum Project investigates whether and how a contemporary jus post bellum may facilitate greater fairness and sustainability in conflict termination and peacemaking. It seeks to establish the historical and normative foundations of a modern jus post bellum, including its relationship tojus ad bellum and jus in bello. The project seeks to identify the contours, operation, and impact of this concept, based on analysis of historical peace settlements, contemporary peace agreements and case‐studies. In addition, the project seeks to develop a catalogue of rules and principles of post‐conflict peace in order to guide priorities and policy choices in a number of key areas: conflict terminati on and ending of conflict, the interplay between international humanitarian law and human rights law in post‐conflict settings, the balance between “local ownership” and foreign authority, reconstruction and rule of law reform, the treatment of individual criminal responsibility in peace settlements, and the allocation of property rights.
The inaugural conference will address these issues. To that end, organizers particularly seek papers, to be presented at the conference and considered for publication in a conference volume, that fall within these 3 issue areas:
► Conflict termination and the definition of “post”
► Modern conflicts and the definition of “bellum”
► Which law applies to the transition to peace — the “jus” in jus post bellum
English-language abstracts of no more than 300 words, plus CV, should be submitted no later than Friday, January 13, 2012, to The full call for papers is here:
Thanks to Jens Iverson for drawing our attention to this.
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