Six years after the first publication a second updated and expended German version of the established and very well received volume on European Constitutional Law edited by Armin von Bogdandy and Jürgen Bast from the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law has been published.
The volume bringing together German authors with various methodological approaches and perspectives on European integration aims (in the words of the editors) at elaborating the “State of the Art” of the German European (& Constitutional) Law scholarship, i.e. the theoretical and doctrinal fundamentals of European constitutional law as reflected in the German scholarship. It is divided into 5 Parts, first one defining the field of the European Constitutional Law, its subject, foundations and notions; second part on the institutional law, is followed by the legal position of the individual and economic constitution. The book is then closed with general visions of the European Union.
The publication of almost 1100 pages still remains the only German textbook on European Constitutional Law and is addressed to scholars, advanced students, Ph.D.s and practitioners.
The English version of the volume is expected to be out this November under the heading “Principles of European Constitutional Law.”
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