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Posts published by “Gentian Zyberi”

I work at the Norwegian Center for Human Rights of the University of Oslo. Previously I have worked at the Amsterdam Center for International Law of the University of Amsterdam and the Netherlands Institute of Human Rights of Utrecht University, the Netherlands. During the last over twenty years I have done research, published and taught in the areas of international human rights, international humanitarian law, international criminal law, and public international law at universities in the Netherlands, US, China, Albania, Kosovo, North Macedonia, and Norway.

Palestine becomes UNESCOs 195 member

Palestine became the 195th full member of UNESCO today, 31 October 2011. The vote of UNESCO’s full membership was 107 to 14, with 52 abstentions. More details on this milestone event for Palestine can be found on UNESCO’s website here and in a newspaper article here. For a video of the statement of the UNESCO Director-General Ms. Irina Bokova on this occasion see here. Hopefully the US and Israel will not withdraw their contribution to this important organization, despite having threatened to do so before the vote was taken. For UNESCO that would mean losing 25% of its yearly budget…