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Antonio Cassese Prize for International Criminal Law Studies

The Journal of International Criminal Justice has issued an announcement on the new ‘Antonio Cassese Prize for International Criminal Law Studies’. This award will be a biennial prize to the author of the most original and innovative paper published in the JICJ in the two years preceding the award. According to the announcement, the aim of rewarding the prize ‘is to enable the winner to undertake a research or publication project, or further studies in the field of international criminal law (including aspects relating to human rights, humanitarian law issues, as well as substantive and procedural law matters).’ The prize will award 10,000 €.

All contributors to the JICJ are eligible for the award. The selection will be made by the Board of Editors. For the grant of the first Antonio Cassese Prize, the Board of Editors will exceptionally select a paper published since the inception of the Journal (2003–2009). The short-listing will be made at the end of 2009, and the award will be announced in the first issue of Volume 8, JICJ (March 2010).
For more information, visit the website of the JICJ.
Thanks to Rachel Kemp for drawing my attention to this.

The Journal of International Criminal Justice has issued an announcement on the new ‘Antonio Cassese Prize for International Criminal Law Studies’. This award will be a biennial prize to the author of the most original and innovative paper published in the JICJ in the two years preceding the award. According to the announcement, the aim of rewarding the prize ‘is to enable the winner to undertake a research or publication project, or further studies in the field of international criminal law (including aspects relating to human rights, humanitarian law issues, as well as substantive and procedural law matters).’ The prize will award 10,000 €.

All contributors to the JICJ are eligible for the award. The selection will be made by the Board of Editors. For the grant of the first Antonio Cassese Prize, the Board of Editors will exceptionally select a paper published since the inception of the Journal (2003–2009). The short-listing will be made at the end of 2009, and the award will be announced in the first issue of Volume 8, JICJ (March 2010).
For more information, visit the website of the JICJ.

Thanks to Rachel Kemp for drawing my attention to this.

One Comment

  1. Melina Benninghoff Melina Benninghoff 15 May 2009

    Good information. I am going to that site now. I have been tinkering with an idea for some time now and it is time to release the information to my fellow academia. How exciting it would be to win the first award.

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