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Annual Conference of the British Branch of the ILA

Annual Conference of the British Branch of the ILA


Thursday 15 & Friday 16 April, 2010, Oxford

Deadline for abstracts: Friday 12th February 2010

The Annual Conference of the British Branch of the International Law Association will be hosted this year by Oxford Brookes University on 15th and 16th April 2010. Please note that, unusually, this year’s conference is on Thursday and Friday (not Saturday). The theme for this year’s conference is compliance. The normative evolution, acceptance and development of international law continues, yet so too does the phenomenon of non-compliance. Papers are invited on the practical and theoretical issues raised by questions of compliance understood broadly, across all areas of international law.

Practitioners, academics and doctoral students are invited to submit paper proposals within the conference theme. Institutional affiliation, seniority, nationality or gender will be immaterial to the selection process. Abstracts of no more than 500 words should be submitted by Friday 12th February 2010. Submissions should include the author’s name and contact details (including email address) and be sent, preferably by email to, or by post to Dr Dawn Sedman, Department of Law, Headington Hill Hall, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford OX3 0BP. Applicants will be notified of the results of the selection process around 22nd February 2010. At that stage full details of the conference will be sent out, including registration and accommodation information.

Meanwhile, please keep the dates!

Thanks to Dawn Sedman for drawing our attention to this.

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